Solved: Journal Entries for Fixed Asset Sale vehicle fully depreciated - Earnplify


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Solved: Journal Entries for Fixed Asset Sale vehicle fully depreciated

December 30, 2022

sale of vehicle journal entry

Double Entry Bookkeeping is here to provide you with free online information to help you learn and understand bookkeeping and introductory accounting. You have significant gain on the sale since the vehicle was fully depreciated. In normal disposal transactions, we will record cash or accounts receivable instead of trade-in proceeds, but it is not the case here.

The journal entry is debiting cash received, accumulated depreciation and credit cost, gain on sale of fixed assets. And with a result, the journal entry for the fixed sale may increase revenues or increase expenses in the company’s account. ABC owns a car that was purchased for $ 50,000 and the current accumulated depreciation is $ 20,000. Please prepare the journal entry for gain on the sale of fixed assets.

sale of vehicle journal entry

We will not receive cash and this account will be reversed in the next transaction. When a business purchases a new asset such as a motor vehicle, it is quite common to trade in or part exchange an old asset to satisfy part of the new asset purchase cost. Accordingly the gain on disposal journal entry would be as follow. Accordingly the loss on disposal journal entry would be as follows.

It is the same as selling fixed assets, we have to reverse both the cost and accumulated depreciation of the assets. At the same time, we have to recognize gain or loss from the disposal. The sale proceeds are equal to the amount of deduction that the supplier provides. And we will not receive the cash but the cost deduction of the new vehicle. We compare the cost deduction amount with the net book value to get the gain or loss.


This is the amount that the asset is listed on the balance sheet. This is what the asset would be worth if it were sold on the open market. In this case, the loss on sale of fixed asset amounting to $375 here will be classified as other expenses in the income statement of ABC Ltd. When receiving new vehicle, we have to record fixed assets and cash paid which include the proceed that receive from old vehicle. Fixed assets are the items that company purchase for internal use.

He has worked as an accountant and consultant for more than 25 years and has built financial models for all types of industries. He has been the CFO or controller of both small and medium sized companies and has run small businesses of his own. He has been a manager and an auditor with Deloitte, a big 4 accountancy firm, and holds a degree from Loughborough University.

Cash Flow Statement

The gain or loss is based on the difference between the book value of the asset and its fair market value. For the customers, it helps to get rid of the old car which may be hard to sell somewhere else. It is simply the exchange of old fixed assets with new fixed assets. We have removed the old fixed assets net book value from the balance sheet. There are a few things to consider when selling a fixed asset.

Debit The new motor vehicle (30,000) is brought into the business, and the business makes a loss (1,000) on disposal of the old vehicle. Alternatively, if the sale amount is only $6,000, the company ABC Ltd. will make a loss of $375 (6,375– 6,000) on the sale of equipment. When an asset is sold for less than its Net Book Value, we have a loss on the sale of the asset. We are receiving less than the truck’s value is on our Balance Sheet. When an asset is sold for more than its Net Book Value, we have a gain on the sale of the asset.

We sold a car that has been fully depreciated in 1st year of the vehicle purchased. As an example, let’s say our example asset is sold at the end of Year 3 and that we used Straight Line depreciation for this asset. Trade-in Vehicle is the process that company gives the back the vehicles to the supplier to reduce the price of a new purchase vehicle.

  1. We are receiving less than the truck’s value is on our Balance Sheet.
  2. As can be seen the ‘profit’ on disposal is negative indicating that the business actually made a loss on disposal of the asset.
  3. The purpose of fixed assets is to provide a stable foundation for a company’s ongoing business activities.
  4. The business receives cash of 2,000 for the asset, however it still makes a loss on disposal of 1,000 which is an expense in the income statement.

As can be seen the ‘profit’ on disposal is negative indicating that the business actually made a loss on disposal of the asset. The monthly accounting close process for a nonprofit organization involves a series of steps to ensure accurate and up-to-date financial records. Accruing tax liabilities in accounting involves recognizing and recording taxes that a company owes but has not yet paid. This is important for accurate financial reporting and compliance with…

Fixed Asset Trade In Bookkeeping Explained

We are receiving more than the truck’s value is on our Balance Sheet. First, we have to calculate the gain or loss from the disposal of an old car. When the company trade in an old vehicle for a new one, it simply means they sell the old one and buy a new one. There is two business transaction that happens during the trade-in. For easy understanding, we will separate the transaction into two as follows.

Adjusting Journal Entries Accounting Student Guide

The business receives cash of 4,500 for the asset, and makes a gain on disposal of 1,500. As can be seen the gain of 1,500 is a credit to the fixed assets disposals account in the income statement. The journal entry is debiting accumulated depreciation, trade-in Proceeds, and credit fixed assets cost and recognized gain or loss. best accounting software for quicken ABC decide to sell the car for $ 35,000 while it has the book value of $ 30,000 ($ 50,000 – $ 20,000). The sale proceeds are higher than the book value, so the company gains from the sale of fixed assets. Gain on sale of fixed assets is the excess amount of sale proceed that the company receives more than the book value.

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