Sober living

Alcohol & COPD: Does Alcohol…

February 29, 2024

Beyond worsening lung functioning, alcohol can create breathing problems during sleep in people with COPD. Research shows that heavy drinking can elevate the risk of sleep apnea by 25%. Alcohol-induced breathing problems during sleep can be especially dangerous for individuals with COPD, who…

Ketamine Addiction: Definition, Symptoms, Effects,…

February 19, 2024

“We think that the number of synapses goes down because depression is so stressful that you actually prune or lose some of the synaptic connections in the brain,” Krystal says. For both Winograd and Coulter-Scott, the benefits of ketamine have…

5 Rappers Who Addressed Their…

April 13, 2023

A study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh in 2008 analyzed Billboard magazine’s list of the 279 most popular songs of 2005. The results showed that substance use was referenced in 77 percent of rap songs, the highest percentage of…

How to Search and What…

May 23, 2022

But if you’re committed to sobriety, it’s possible to achieve your goal. While it has been suggested that one or two drinks per day may have health benefits, one meta-analysis found is marijuana addictive that even moderate intake has serious…

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Children’s Hospital…

September 13, 2021

Thus, hypoxia may affect cell damage during fetal development, and this process can explain abortions related to alcohol exposure [37]. Specifically, it can affect the developing brain, such as the hippocampus and cerebellum, which are sensitive to hypoxia and alcohol…

Step one : Admitting Powerlessness…

September 17, 2020

Perhaps you’re just not willing or wanting to name a higher power. Some people are able to believe in reality instead, and this can work as your higher power. For example, do you believe that you cannot physically take a…

9 Gift Ideas To Celebrate…

February 14, 2020

As we know, soda is not the most healthy alternative, luckily SodaStream offers carbonated water in addition to soda functions. It is no secret that many people in recovery turn to yoga during sobriety or shortly after. Despite how prevalent…